There is an alarming trend in the IT service organizations in today’s service world. It is the lack of quality services provided by small business computer service and network organizations. Could it be the shortage of skilled computer technicians? Or is it really the inability for the leaders in these small computer support companies to see what is happening in their market?Computer support organizations, especially those that focus on the small business marketplace, need to put their focus on their client base. This focus is vital with the emergence of larger players in the small business computer consulting space that are developing an interest in servicing your client base.The three things that all small business computer support companies need to master are:- Anticipate your client’s needs – Computer Consultants need to actively anticipate their client’s business goals now and in the future. Small businesses can change direction on a dime since their decision making hierarchy is very direct. So it is important that the small business service organization has the ability to anticipate what their client’s needs will be now and have the ability to foresee their short term and long term needs. An information technology consultant with the ability to see the opportunities of their client’s needs will entrench themselves into their client’s business for a long period of time.- Proactive Support – Once you can master the anticipation of your client’s needs, the next step is to take the appropriate steps to ensure that the items they have anticipated coming down the pipe are now proactively put into place. Small businesses cannot work successfully in a reactive mode. When their technology support company does not take the steps to proactively service their client base they run the risk of their clients suffering unnecessary downtime. Most of the time, it comes back to an issue that could have been prevented with proper anticipation of their needs and then taking the proactive support to implement the needed steps to prevent any downtime.- Service The Client – Service companies need to consistently service their clients. When you have put into place the steps needed to anticipate their needs and then proactively implemented these solutions, small business consulting companies need to service their clients consistently. Stop servicing your clients and you might as well hand them over to your competition. I cannot speak enough about the enhanced level of service that small business clients require–they will always depend on the expertise of their IT consultant the most . Consultants today cannot assume that things are just working at their clients. You need to be in there all the time.These are three main areas that today’s small business consultants need to focus on to ensure their success. If you do not take care of your clients, your competition will. You can bank on it.Information Technology companies today are so concerned about service metrics, managed services and many new trends in servicing clients that they are failing at one major area–actually servicing them. Small Business consultants seem more concerned about the perfect service plan, how to charge their clients and designing the perfect solution. This preoccupation has them leaving the front door open to their competition who understands the importance of servicing the client, anticipating their needs, and taking the proactive steps to understand their needs, goals and desires when it comes to technology.It is time to get back and focus on what the client’s needs are, anticipate their direction, proactively address these needs and then service the heck out of them.
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Art of Digital Printing and Choosing the Right Fabric for Digital Printing in the Field of Textiles
For doing the digital printing you always need a canvas that can absorb your colors.The art of selecting the right fabric is as important as making the right designs. Most of the times it has been seen that the designing are good but the fabric is not absorbing the colors properly. We provide solution to your this problem.In this type of printing a fabric is printed directly from the image in the computer to the garment. This type of printing technique was invented in the year 1991 and it brought the revolution in the textile industry. It has unmatched advantages over the traditional methods of printing.
The birth of this technique took place in japan. special kind of fabrics are needed for doing digital printing. It is very important that you choose the right fabric that exactly match your needs. we can help you in getting the right fabric for this purpose.
Established in 1993, 25 years ago. We in collaboration with the leading mills of india runs our own programme in various mills and provide top quality products to our esteemed clients based across India.We at Chhabra textiles knows very well that the need of each and every clients are different from one another. So customised products are the solution to their problem.We believe that supplier-client relationship is like a marriage where both have to fulfill their duties to build a successful venture.Our experience of the past 25 years along with the regular customer feedback helps us to develop products which provide an edge to our clients based across India.CT is the perfect destination for you if you want to start the venture of printed garments.Here we provide you with the complete digital printing solution along with the guidance you needed to convert it into a successful venture.WHY CHOOSE US:1) WIDE RANGE OF COLORS IN PLAIN FABRICS2) CONSISTENT SUPPLY: we have a great track record in giving timely supply to our above mentioned clients.3) WIDE RANGE THAT PROVIDES A COMPLETE SOLUTION4) QUALITY ASSURANCE: our products are standardised and tested.5) CUSTOMISED PRODUCTS: With the help of our direct links in the top mills, we also offer customised products.6) MAKING PRODUCTS KEEPING IN MIND THE FUTURE TRENDS: A proper market survey is done by our team before launching any new products.I Hope that I provided you with the direction which you needed through this article.
How to Succeed at Self Publishing
You’ve written your book, had a friend look it over for errors, run it through your word processor’s spell check and created a cover on your publishing company’s website. You are ready to do battle in the bookstore. After all, your book is as good as any other book isn’t it? There’s no difference between one book and another.Surprise. There is a Difference. Three, Actually Sometimes a self-published book succeeds beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. These stories are told over and over, helping to induce millions of writers to flood the subsidy publishing companies with their books, trying to get a piece of the publishing pie.But unless you’ve managed to find a niche that no one else has ever written about, or you have the only book in the world on parachute folding, or you are the next J.K. Rowling, your book will have a tough road ahead of it. Why?You are being outclassed on every front by your competition, that’s why. Here are three reasons you will be buried by the established trade publishers using the “Old Model” of publishing.
They have better quality. Guess what? People do recognize differences in quality. At Old Model Publishing, they are able to anticipate sales of several thousand copies for even their most modest offerings. Consequently, they have printed their book by offset. They may have used a unique size and format that can’t be replicated by digital printing. They might have cover finishes and paper stock that are simply unavailable to you. Customers see this, and you look worse by comparison.
They have professionals working on their books. Over at Old Model, editors, designers, cover designers, and proofreaders who have spent their careers learning their craft are working on their books. They bring years of experience and knowledge to bear on every project. Even though Old Model may not do as good a job as they once did, they are still light years away from you and the amateurs who have helped you get your book ready.
They have a better economic model. You thought you were clever to try to compete with your print on demand distribution model, and were happy you didn’t have to lay out a cent to get your book into print. You thought that this was the new, the modern, the twenty-first century way to publish, and that those old fogies haven’t caught up yet. But their offset-printed book costs them one-third what you are paying for your book. They can price you out of the market without breaking a sweat.
Help is On The WayYou will get hammered in the market if you don’t revise your plan. To be competitive, you will have to fight fire with fire. How to minimize your competitive disadvantage?
Hire professionals. Part of the collateral damage from the economic difficulties book publishers are experiencing are the many people who have been laid off by Old Model publishers. Lucky for you. They are now available as freelancers to work on your book, bringing all that same expertise to bear.
Consider your strategy. Think about your aims. If you are dead serious about trying to get national distribution into bookstores, you will almost have to print offset. You need both the inventory on hand to ship to distributors and wholesalers, as well as the leverage of low unit pricing to make the whole chain of discounting work without an inflated retail price
Don’t try to do it all yourself. Authors who decide to self-publish need to realize that self-publishing does not mean you do everything yourself. To succeed against these Old Model publishers, you have to treat your operation as a business. You should be spending your time writing and marketing your book, not trying to figure out why Microsoft Word keeps changing your page endings every time you save your file.
You Can Compete. But You’d Better Be Smart About ItIt’s possible today to retain the editors, book designers, cover designers, and proofreaders to make your book equal to any book on the market. If you treat it as a business, with the clear motive to make a profit, you will find the professionals you need to help you succeed.If your aim is to create a book for your personal use, or to leave as a family history, or to collect recipes for a fundraiser, you can safely ignore all of the advice I’ve given you above.But if you aim to compete, to establish and run a business that publishes your books, do with seriousness of intent. Commit the time, energy, education and resources to make your book truly the equal of anything else on the market.Turn Your Strengths to Your AdvantageIn fact, you can turn this situation to your advantage. By creating a well-edited, attractively-designed and intelligently marketed book, you can act a lot faster than the Old Model publishers. This becomes your competitive advantage when you realize the power of being able to react to events faster than your competition.And if your aim is to attract a contract from Old Model, your top-quality book could become your best calling card. If you’re largely concerned with sales, know that when your ideal customer stops at the table in Border’s, they won’t hesitate to pick your book up. And you can take that to the bank.